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Tree Plantation and Afforestation Plan

Ecological Afforestation

Taoyuan City searches for suitable land for afforestation in various administrative districts in the City and conducts tree plantation and afforestation every year. In combination with the function of afforested woods in prevention of wind and sand, the City intends to increase the green spaces within and build a green city.

Environment Greening

In cooperation with the events in Taoyuan City, the City performs the environment greening and beautification at important traffic nodes, so that people's living space can be greened and improved. Meanwhile, appropriate arbors and shrubs are planted based on requirements of respective location.

Tree Plantation Promotion

Taoyuan City plants and distributes tree seedlings for free in the annual Arbor Day event to enhance the City's biodiversity and make citizens pay attention to the ecological awareness of environment. In the past few years, appropriate locations in Zhongli District, Guishan District, Fuxing District, Bade District, Daxi District, Pingzhen District and Yangmei District have been chosen to hold the Arbor Day activities. Following tree planting activities, the significance of landscaping and building of a natural and beautiful green living environment are indeed realized at the selected locations. Every year, more than 1,000 people participate in the related events.

Afforestation in Line with the Central Policy

Rewarded Guidance for Afforestation
Such Rewarded Guidance is organized by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan with an expectation to mitigate increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide and allow the forest land to play its role in land and water conservation to further achieve multiple goals such as greening the environment, increasing forest carbon storage, planting forest resources and reducing natural disasters. The afforestation subsidy period is 20 years, currently limited to areas on sloping lands with a minimum area requirement of 0.1 hectares. As of December 2023, the subsidizable area within the subsidy period amounts to 7.4802 hectares.